It can be very distressing if you have been accused of bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, a hate crime or sexual assault. We would encourage students in this position to seek support and guidance through the UCLan Student Wellbeing Services who will discuss support options and encourage the student to contact the UCLan Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre. 

The UCLan Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre are independent from the university and can advise on options, represent students at university disciplinary hearings where appropriate and for any criminal proceedings will advise students to contact a solicitor.

Both the Student Wellbeing service and the Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre will normally provide separate named contacts to students involved on opposite sides of a disciplinary case and all records will be kept confidential.

Students will be treated impartially and will be provided the same level of support, regardless of the nature of their referral. Depending on the disclosure and allegation we may need to make relevant services in the university aware so that any necessary interim measures can be put in place to safeguard other students.

I have been accused of bullying or discrimination.

UCLan recognises and values individual difference and has a public duty to promote equality and remove discrimination on various grounds including age, disability, gender, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief and gender or sexual orientation. 

UCLan expects students to be able to do the following during their time at university:
  • experience "an integrated community based on mutual respect and tolerance where all staff and students can feel safe, valued and supported." 
  • contribute to creating a positive environment where discriminatory practices and discrimination no longer happen.
Students who have been accused of bullying or harassment who are called to attend a hearing are encouraged to contact the Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre to request an advisor to attend the hearing with them.

Bullying and harassment situations can be very emotional and difficult, and all students are encouraged to seek help and support from services at the university.

The Advice and Resolution Centre (ARC) The ARC includes our well-established Law Clinic together with other services such as our Business Law Clinic, Centre for Mediation, Cyber Crime Clinic, and Missing Persons Unit.

Law Clinic - Our Drop-in Clinic, run in partnership with Citizens Advice, offers members of the public information and guidance on a range of issues including housing, benefits, debt, finance and employment. 

Declaring a criminal conviction.

Students are required to declare any relevant criminal convictions, cautions or warnings that they become subject to during their period of enrolment to their Head of School. This is to enable the University to safeguard its community. Relevant convictions include those for offences against the person whether of a violent or sexual nature, or convictions for commercial drug dealing or trafficking.

The Head of School will decide whether there are any implications in relation to the student’s course or their standing with the University. The University may take action where the conviction contravenes the Regulations for the Conduct of Students.

Failure to disclose a relevant criminal conviction during the enrolment period may constitute a disciplinary offence.

Any disclosure information relating to a criminal conviction will be handled in accordance with data protection legislation and advice from relevant external agencies.

For students who are on professionally regulated courses, they are required to declare all criminal convictions that they become subject to during their period of enrolment including cautions, warnings, bind-over orders and spent sentences, and should consult course regulations.


Any allegation against you can be distressing and you may feel you want to access support:

Staff Counselling Service will offer impartial advice and support.
The People Team: If you are a member of staff our People Team will advise you as to the process being followed and offer support and advice.

 Trade Union representative for further advice and support.

The Advice and Resolution Centre (ARC):  offers an alternative dispute resolution approach; it is confidential and can help resolve a disagreement or conflict, with a colleague in the work place or a fellow student. It has been set up by students and offers mediation which is a tool used to deal with conflict and disagreements. The session is facilitated by an impartial mediator who will help the parties to resolve the conflict. All parties have to be willing to take part and can leave the process at any time.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened